This document contains code written by Erica Krimmel and Diana Soteropoulos to support data analysis of the NANSH research project (2013-2020). If you want to reuse this code, you should open this file in R and begin by loading packages, setting options, and declaring input data filenames. If you haven’t already installed the packages called, you will also need to do that.

# Load general packages

# Load packages for working with geospatial data

# Load packages for working with model data

# Load packages for formatting in RMarkdown

# Tell R not to use scientific notation
options(scipen = 999)

# The following variables should correlate to input data files in your working
# directory. Edit the filenames here if necessary:
input_specimens <- "Marsico-et-al-2020_specimens_2019-04-17.csv"
input_herbaria <- "Marsico-et-al-2020_herbaria_2019-06-08.csv"
input_species <- "Marsico-et-al-2020_species_2020-07-09.csv"

Prepare data

This first function prepares an analysis dataset by combining raw data from three compiled data tables (specimens, herbaria, species), filtering out low-quality records, and retaining a single representative record in the case of duplicate specimens. The function also assigns a “uniqueness flag” to each record based on whether its collecting event represents a unique county, unique locality, or unique time. You can use this function to generate different versions of the dataset based on what states you want to include, whether or not you want to include out-of-state herbaria (where we have that information), and what numerical break you want to use to define “small” vs. “large” herbaria (our default is 100,000 specimens).

# Set function and argument defaults
prepare_analysisSpms <- function(input_specimens, input_herbaria, input_species, 
                                     sizeCutoff = 100000,
                                     filterState = "all",
                                     includeOutOfState = FALSE) {
  # Record factor variables to use for naming future global variables and files
  recordedVariables <- paste(sizeCutoff, "_",
                    filterState, "_", 
                    sep = "")
  filename_unique <- paste("output/Marsico-et-al-2020_uniqueSpms_", 
                    recordedVariables, "_",
                    sep = "")
  filename_analysis <- paste("output/Marsico-et-al-2020_analysisSpms_", 
                    recordedVariables, "_",
                    sep = "")
  filename_summary <- paste("output/Marsico-et-al-2020_analysisSummary_", 
                    recordedVariables, "_",
                    sep = "")
  # Read in collated raw data
  input_specimensTbl <- read_csv(input_specimens, na = character())
  input_herbariaTbl <- read_csv(input_herbaria, na = character())
  input_speciesTbl <- read_csv(input_species, na = character())
  # Create a new column to assign sizeClass values to herbaria based on the
  # sizeCutoff input variable
  input_herbariaTbl <- input_herbariaTbl %>% 
    mutate(sizeClass = case_when(sizeNumber >= sizeCutoff ~ "large",
                                 sizeNumber < sizeCutoff ~ "small"))
  # Calculate the percentage of specimens held by large and small herbaria
  # within the institutions included in `input_herbariaTbl`
  totalSpmsSummary <- input_herbariaTbl %>% 
    group_by(sizeClass) %>% 
    summarize(totalSpecimens = sum(sizeNumber)) %>% 
    mutate(percentSpecimens = round(100*totalSpecimens/sum(totalSpecimens, 2)))
  # Rename `totalSpmsSummary` to include `recordedVariables` from function input
  assign(paste("totalSpmsSummary_", recordedVariables, sep = ""),
         totalSpmsSummary, envir = globalenv())
  # Assign variable dataFlag to tell the intermediary dataset `joinedSpms`
  # whether or not to include out of state herbaria
  if(includeOutOfState == FALSE) {
    dataFlag = "COUNTY-reassigned"
  } else if(includeOutOfState == TRUE) {
    dataFlag = c("COUNTY-reassigned", "HERBARIA-out-of-state",
                 "HERBARIA-out-of-state; COUNTY-reassigned")  
  } else {
    print("ERROR: Please assign a TRUE/FALSE value to the includeOutOfState
          variable in this function.")
  # If the filterState variable is set to "all" update it based on actual state 
  # values in the dataset 
  if(filterState == "all"){
    filterState = levels(factor(input_herbariaTbl$state))
  } else {
    filterState = filterState
  # Build dataset `joinedSpms`...
  joinedSpms <- input_specimensTbl %>%
    filter(state %in% filterState) %>% 
    # Join relevant columns from `input_speciesTbl` and `input_herbariaTbl`
    left_join(select(input_speciesTbl, index, status), 
              by = c("species_index"="index")) %>%
    left_join(select(input_herbariaTbl, index, herbName, sizeClass), 
              by = c("herbaria_index"="index")) %>% 
    # Create columns for countyState and dateRange
    unite(countyState, c(county, state), sep = "_", remove = FALSE) %>% 
    unite(dateRange, c(earlyDate, lateDate), sep = " to ", remove = FALSE) %>% 
    # Remove rows that have already been marked as low quality by filtering out
    # those with data flags other than those allowed by the variable dataFlag
    filter(DATA_FLAG == "" | DATA_FLAG %in% dataFlag) %>% 
    # Group duplicate specimens and create a temporary column groupIndex
          c(species_index, countyState, dateRange, collectorStandard), 
          sep = "|", remove = FALSE) %>% 
    mutate(groupIndex = group_indices(.,duplicateGroup)) %>% 
  # Build dataset `duplicateSpms` to record size classes of the herbaria holding
  # each set of duplicates
  duplicateSpms <- joinedSpms %>% 
    group_by(groupIndex) %>%
    arrange(desc(sizeClass)) %>% 
    summarise(duplicateStatus = paste(sizeClass, collapse = ","))
  # Add results from `duplicateSpms` back into full dataset and deal with
  # duplicate rows: if duplicates within a set are shared between large and
  # small collections then discard all rows, if duplicates within a set are held
  # by only small or only large herbaria then retain one representative from the
  # set and discard the remaining duplicate rows.
  uniqueSpms <- joinedSpms %>% 
    left_join(duplicateSpms, by = "groupIndex") %>% 
    group_by(groupIndex) %>% 
    # Make sure to retain a row with coordinate data, if possible
    arrange(latitude) %>% 
  # Rename `uniqueSpms` to include `recordedVariables` from function input
  assign(paste("uniqueSpms_", recordedVariables, sep = ""),
         uniqueSpms, envir = globalenv())
  # Output result to CSV file
  write_csv(uniqueSpms, filename_unique)
  # Report on how large and small collections share duplicate specimens
  duplicateSpmsSummary <- uniqueSpms %>% 
    mutate(duplicateType = case_when(duplicateStatus == "large" ~ 
                            duplicateStatus == "small" ~ 
                            str_detect(duplicateStatus, "small,large") ~
                              "duplicated by large and small herbaria",
                            !str_detect(duplicateStatus, "large") ~
                              "duplicated only by small herbaria",
                            !str_detect(duplicateStatus, "small") ~
                              "duplicated only by large herbaria")) %>% 
    group_by(sizeClass, duplicateType) %>% 
    tally() %>% 
    pivot_wider(names_from = sizeClass, values_from = n) %>% 
    rename(largeCount = large, smallCount = small) %>% 
    mutate(largePercent = round(largeCount/sum(largeCount, na.rm = TRUE)*100, 2)) %>% 
    mutate(smallPercent = round(smallCount/sum(smallCount, na.rm = TRUE)*100, 2))
  # Rename `duplicateSpmsSummary` to include `recordedVariables` from function
  # input
  assign(paste("duplicateSpmsSummary_", recordedVariables, sep = ""),
         duplicateSpmsSummary, envir = globalenv())
  # Determine what the expected proportion of specimens held by large vs. small
  # herbaria is
  expectedProportion <- uniqueSpms %>% 
    group_by(sizeClass) %>% 
    tally() %>% 
    mutate(freq = n/sum(n)) %>% 
  # Pull out expected proportion of just small herbaria
  expectedProportionSmall <- expectedProportion[2]
  # Rename `expectedProportionSmall` to include `recordedVariables` from function
  # input
  assign(paste("expectedProportion_", recordedVariables, sep = ""),
         expectedProportion, envir = globalenv())
  # Remove rows without coordinates from uniqueSpms to begin the process of
  # evaluating which specimens were collected within 1km of each other (i.e. at
  # non-unique localties)
  geo_uniqueSpms <- uniqueSpms %>% filter(!
  # Create spatial data frame to use in geographic analysis below
  geo_spdf <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = cbind(geo_uniqueSpms$longitude,
                                     data = geo_uniqueSpms, 
                                     proj4string = 
                                       CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
  # Project data in Conus Albers (NAD83) so that we can calculate 1km buffers
  geo_project <- spTransform(geo_spdf, CRS("+init=epsg:5070"))
  # Create new spatial data frame with 1km polygons buffering each point
  geo_buffer <- gBuffer(geo_project, byid=TRUE, width=1000)
  # Join attributes by location to determine which buffers intersect each other,
  # then return a count of how many points lie within any given 1km buffer
  geo_intersect <- over(geo_buffer, geo_buffer[, "index"], returnList = TRUE)
  geo_count <- sapply(geo_intersect, nrow)
  geo_bound <- spCbind(geo_project, geo_count)
  geo_data <- geo_bound@data %>% 
    mutate(nearbySpms = geo_count - 1) %>% 
  # Add geospatial analysis results `geo_data` back into full `uniqueSpms` data
  analysisSpms <- uniqueSpms %>% 
    left_join(select(geo_data, index, nearbySpms), by = "index") 
  # Flag unique counties
  groupCounty <- uniqueSpms %>%
    group_by(species_index, countyState) %>% tally() %>%
    mutate(unique_county = case_when(n == 1 ~ "unique_county")) %>%
  # Flag unique localities and unique times
  analysisSpms <- analysisSpms %>%
    filter(!str_detect(duplicateStatus, "small,large" )) %>%
    left_join(groupCounty, by = c("species_index", "countyState")) %>% 
    mutate(unique_locality = case_when(nearbySpms == 0 ~ "unique_locality")) %>%
    unite("uniqueness", c("unique_county", "unique_locality"), sep = "/") %>%
    mutate(uniqueness = sub("unique_county/unique_locality", "unique_county", 
                            uniqueness)) %>%
    mutate(uniqueness = sub("unique_county/NA", "unique_county", 
                            uniqueness)) %>%
    mutate(uniqueness = sub("NA/unique_locality", "unique_locality",
                            uniqueness)) %>%
    mutate(uniqueness = sub("NA/NA", "unique_time", 
                            uniqueness)) %>% 
    unite("check", c("uniqueness", "dateRange"), sep = "/", remove = FALSE) %>% 
    filter(check != "unique_time/\"1800\" to \"2015\"") %>% 
    select(-n, -check) %>% 
  # Rename `analysisSpms` to include `recordedVariables` from function input
  assign(paste("analysisSpms_", recordedVariables, sep = ""),
         analysisSpms, envir = globalenv())
  # Output result to CSV file
  write_csv(analysisSpms, filename_analysis)
  # Group `analysisSpms` data for use in figures
  analysisSummary <- analysisSpms %>% 
    group_by(uniqueness, state, status, sizeClass) %>% 
    tally() %>% 
    group_by(uniqueness, state, status) %>% 
    mutate(frequency = round((n/sum(n)),2)) %>% 
    rename(count = n)

  # Rename `analysisSummary` to include `recordedVariables` from function input
  assign(paste("analysisSummary_", recordedVariables, sep = ""),
         analysisSummary, envir = globalenv())
  # Output result to CSV file; note that rows may be missing where no unique
  # specimens were found and that this is resolved in the code below for
  # purposes of graphing results
  write_csv(analysisSummary, filename_summary)
# Run function
prepare_analysisSpms(input_specimens, input_herbaria, input_species)

We get several resulting objects by running the function above with our default values (i.e. a size cutoff of 100000 specimens to differentiate between small and large herbaria, and including data from all states but no out-of-state herbaria). The following objects now exist in our R environment…

totalSpmsSummary_100000_all_FALSE is a summary of how many total specimens are held by the herbaria participating in this project:

sizeClass totalSpecimens percentSpecimens
large 13093200 86
small 2073533 14

duplicateSpmsSummary_100000_all_FALSE is a summary of how many specimens in the uniqueSpms dataset represent duplicates in the original data (i.e. the input_specimens):

duplicateType largeCount smallCount largePercent smallPercent
duplicated by large and small herbaria 289 130 2.55 2.60
duplicated only by large herbaria 1635 NA 14.42 NA
unduplicated 9415 4456 83.03 88.96
duplicated only by small herbaria NA 423 NA 8.44
# Manually add rows that do not exist on `analysisSummary_100000_all_FALSE`
# because there was no data; this will let us effectively use this for graphing
analysisSummary_100000_all_FALSE <- analysisSummary_100000_all_FALSE %>% 
  ungroup %>% 
          frequency=0) %>% 
          frequency=0) %>% 
          frequency=0) %>% 
          frequency=0) %>% 
          frequency=0) %>% 
  arrange(uniqueness, state, status, sizeClass) %>% 
  mutate(uniqueness = str_replace(uniqueness, "_", " "))

# Add factors for ordering of `analysisSummary_100000_all_FALSE` 
# categories in graph below
analysisSummary_100000_all_FALSE$status2 <- factor(
  levels = c("S1", "S2", "native", "introduced"))
# Graph unique specimen records in each of our four categories by species
# status and herbarium size class
analysisSummary_100000_all_FALSE %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = status2, y = count, label = count)) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = sizeClass),
           stat="identity", width = 0.5, position = "dodge") +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#003f5c", "#ffa600")) +
  scale_y_continuous() +
  facet_grid(uniqueness ~ state, scales = "free_y") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)) +
  labs(color = "Size class",
       fill = "Herbarium size",
       x = "Species status",
       y = "Specimen records")

# Save graph to file
             sep = ""),
       width = 7.25,
       height = 5)

analysisSummary_100000_all_FALSE is a summarized version of the analysisSpms data to use for analysis and graphing:

uniqueness state status sizeClass count frequency status2
unique county AR introduced large 55 0.65 introduced
unique county AR introduced small 30 0.35 introduced
unique county AR native large 77 0.51 native
unique county AR native small 75 0.49 native
unique county AR S1 large 0 0.00 S1
unique county AR S1 small 6 1.00 S1
unique county AR S2 large 4 0.19 S2
unique county AR S2 small 17 0.81 S2
unique county CA introduced large 28 0.76 introduced
unique county CA introduced small 9 0.24 introduced
unique county CA native large 14 0.67 native
unique county CA native small 7 0.33 native
unique county CA S1 large 7 0.64 S1
unique county CA S1 small 4 0.36 S1
unique county CA S2 large 8 0.47 S2
unique county CA S2 small 9 0.53 S2
unique county CO introduced large 34 0.68 introduced
unique county CO introduced small 16 0.32 introduced
unique county CO native large 47 0.76 native
unique county CO native small 15 0.24 native
unique county CO S1 large 1 0.50 S1
unique county CO S1 small 1 0.50 S1
unique county CO S2 large 4 0.40 S2
unique county CO S2 small 6 0.60 S2
unique county FL introduced large 57 0.93 introduced
unique county FL introduced small 4 0.07 introduced
unique county FL native large 47 0.90 native
unique county FL native small 5 0.10 native
unique county FL S1 large 11 0.92 S1
unique county FL S1 small 1 0.08 S1
unique county FL S2 large 17 0.74 S2
unique county FL S2 small 6 0.26 S2
unique county GA introduced large 145 0.58 introduced
unique county GA introduced small 105 0.42 introduced
unique county GA native large 110 0.69 native
unique county GA native small 50 0.31 native
unique county GA S1 large 6 0.67 S1
unique county GA S1 small 3 0.33 S1
unique county GA S2 large 19 0.56 S2
unique county GA S2 small 15 0.44 S2
unique county MI introduced large 87 0.72 introduced
unique county MI introduced small 33 0.28 introduced
unique county MI native large 107 0.76 native
unique county MI native small 33 0.24 native
unique county MI S1 large 11 0.92 S1
unique county MI S1 small 1 0.08 S1
unique county MI S2 large 33 0.77 S2
unique county MI S2 small 10 0.23 S2
unique county TN introduced large 130 0.73 introduced
unique county TN introduced small 47 0.27 introduced
unique county TN native large 160 0.83 native
unique county TN native small 33 0.17 native
unique county TN S1 large 8 1.00 S1
unique county TN S1 small 0 0.00 S1
unique county TN S2 large 18 0.78 S2
unique county TN S2 small 5 0.22 S2
unique county WV introduced large 176 0.99 introduced
unique county WV introduced small 2 0.01 introduced
unique county WV native large 67 0.97 native
unique county WV native small 2 0.03 native
unique county WV S1 large 18 0.95 S1
unique county WV S1 small 1 0.05 S1
unique county WV S2 large 38 0.88 S2
unique county WV S2 small 5 0.12 S2
unique locality AR introduced large 13 0.48 introduced
unique locality AR introduced small 14 0.52 introduced
unique locality AR native large 126 0.55 native
unique locality AR native small 103 0.45 native
unique locality AR S1 large 0 0.00 S1
unique locality AR S1 small 1 1.00 S1
unique locality AR S2 large 2 0.13 S2
unique locality AR S2 small 13 0.87 S2
unique locality CA introduced large 355 0.76 introduced
unique locality CA introduced small 113 0.24 introduced
unique locality CA native large 499 0.86 native
unique locality CA native small 84 0.14 native
unique locality CA S1 large 111 0.97 S1
unique locality CA S1 small 4 0.03 S1
unique locality CA S2 large 42 0.95 S2
unique locality CA S2 small 2 0.05 S2
unique locality CO introduced large 83 0.64 introduced
unique locality CO introduced small 47 0.36 introduced
unique locality CO native large 258 0.76 native
unique locality CO native small 83 0.24 native
unique locality CO S1 large 30 0.86 S1
unique locality CO S1 small 5 0.14 S1
unique locality CO S2 large 48 0.64 S2
unique locality CO S2 small 27 0.36 S2
unique locality FL introduced large 167 0.91 introduced
unique locality FL introduced small 16 0.09 introduced
unique locality FL native large 221 0.90 native
unique locality FL native small 25 0.10 native
unique locality FL S1 large 33 0.89 S1
unique locality FL S1 small 4 0.11 S1
unique locality FL S2 large 27 0.69 S2
unique locality FL S2 small 12 0.31 S2
unique locality GA introduced large 47 0.35 introduced
unique locality GA introduced small 88 0.65 introduced
unique locality GA native large 114 0.80 native
unique locality GA native small 28 0.20 native
unique locality GA S1 large 2 0.67 S1
unique locality GA S1 small 1 0.33 S1
unique locality GA S2 large 7 0.47 S2
unique locality GA S2 small 8 0.53 S2
unique locality MI introduced large 119 0.60 introduced
unique locality MI introduced small 78 0.40 introduced
unique locality MI native large 219 0.66 native
unique locality MI native small 114 0.34 native
unique locality MI S1 large 2 0.67 S1
unique locality MI S1 small 1 0.33 S1
unique locality MI S2 large 20 0.74 S2
unique locality MI S2 small 7 0.26 S2
unique locality TN introduced large 86 0.58 introduced
unique locality TN introduced small 63 0.42 introduced
unique locality TN native large 191 0.72 native
unique locality TN native small 73 0.28 native
unique locality TN S1 large 5 0.71 S1
unique locality TN S1 small 2 0.29 S1
unique locality TN S2 large 20 0.83 S2
unique locality TN S2 small 4 0.17 S2
unique locality WV introduced large 97 0.98 introduced
unique locality WV introduced small 2 0.02 introduced
unique locality WV native large 20 0.77 native
unique locality WV native small 6 0.23 native
unique locality WV S1 large 7 1.00 S1
unique locality WV S1 small 0 0.00 S1
unique locality WV S2 large 36 0.82 S2
unique locality WV S2 small 8 0.18 S2
unique time AR introduced large 23 0.39 introduced
unique time AR introduced small 36 0.61 introduced
unique time AR native large 145 0.56 native
unique time AR native small 112 0.44 native
unique time AR S1 large 0 0.00 S1
unique time AR S1 small 3 1.00 S1
unique time AR S2 large 10 0.26 S2
unique time AR S2 small 29 0.74 S2
unique time CA introduced large 499 0.75 introduced
unique time CA introduced small 163 0.25 introduced
unique time CA native large 664 0.86 native
unique time CA native small 105 0.14 native
unique time CA S1 large 188 0.88 S1
unique time CA S1 small 26 0.12 S1
unique time CA S2 large 160 0.89 S2
unique time CA S2 small 20 0.11 S2
unique time CO introduced large 158 0.57 introduced
unique time CO introduced small 117 0.43 introduced
unique time CO native large 319 0.54 native
unique time CO native small 274 0.46 native
unique time CO S1 large 46 0.61 S1
unique time CO S1 small 30 0.39 S1
unique time CO S2 large 69 0.56 S2
unique time CO S2 small 54 0.44 S2
unique time FL introduced large 423 0.82 introduced
unique time FL introduced small 96 0.18 introduced
unique time FL native large 373 0.80 native
unique time FL native small 94 0.20 native
unique time FL S1 large 129 0.74 S1
unique time FL S1 small 46 0.26 S1
unique time FL S2 large 202 0.85 S2
unique time FL S2 small 35 0.15 S2
unique time GA introduced large 124 0.34 introduced
unique time GA introduced small 239 0.66 introduced
unique time GA native large 151 0.65 native
unique time GA native small 80 0.35 native
unique time GA S1 large 9 0.64 S1
unique time GA S1 small 5 0.36 S1
unique time GA S2 large 18 0.82 S2
unique time GA S2 small 4 0.18 S2
unique time MI introduced large 408 0.61 introduced
unique time MI introduced small 262 0.39 introduced
unique time MI native large 872 0.68 native
unique time MI native small 418 0.32 native
unique time MI S1 large 41 0.71 S1
unique time MI S1 small 17 0.29 S1
unique time MI S2 large 99 0.80 S2
unique time MI S2 small 24 0.20 S2
unique time TN introduced large 254 0.42 introduced
unique time TN introduced small 347 0.58 introduced
unique time TN native large 505 0.59 native
unique time TN native small 344 0.41 native
unique time TN S1 large 42 0.40 S1
unique time TN S1 small 64 0.60 S1
unique time TN S2 large 65 0.52 S2
unique time TN S2 small 60 0.48 S2
unique time WV introduced large 214 0.74 introduced
unique time WV introduced small 74 0.26 introduced
unique time WV native large 71 0.65 native
unique time WV native small 39 0.35 native
unique time WV S1 large 35 0.92 S1
unique time WV S1 small 3 0.08 S1
unique time WV S2 large 80 0.71 S2
unique time WV S2 small 32 0.29 S2

We also have uniqueSpms_100000_all_FALSE, which is a comprehensive dataset of the unique specimen records included in this project, and analysisSpms_100000_all_FALSE, which is the primary dataset generated by this function to be used in the rest of the project’s analysis. This function writes a CSV version of the uniqueSpms, analysisSpms, and analysisSummary objects to the output folder in your working directory. It also generates and saves a figure for the analysisSummary data, as shown here:

We can use the analysisSpms data to visualize different facets of the project, e.g. this figure illustrating how many specimens were contributed by large versus small herbaria in each state.

Model data

In modeling the data, we wanted to ask what factors predict uniqueness of a specimen at a given uniqueness category scale (county, locality, or time). We are analyzing the data using multiple logistic regression because we have a nominal response variable (“Is the specimen unique? Yes/No”) as well as nominal predictor variables: size class (small, large), species status (S1, S2, native, introduced), and state (AR, CA, CO, FL, GA, MI, TN, WV). To model this, we are using a generalized linear mixed-effects model (GLMM), with state as a random variable.

# Set dummy coding function to transform analysis dataset by splitting up our
# response variable (uniqueness) into three levels so we can analyze them
# individually: unique_county, unique_locality, unique_time
model_analysisSpms <- function(analysisSpms) {
  # Extract input variables to use for naming future global variables and files
  recordedVariables <- deparse(substitute(analysisSpms)) %>% 
  filename_results <- paste("output/Marsico-et-al-2020_modelResults_", 
                    recordedVariables, "_",
                    sep = "")
  # Set generic function to convert a level of a column into a new binary column
  convert_toLogicals <- function(data, column, value) {
    data %>% mutate(!!value := as.numeric(case_when(str_detect(column, value)==
                                                      TRUE ~ "1", 
                                                    str_detect(column, value)==
                                                      FALSE ~ "0")))
  # Get levels from the response variable column
  levels_uniqueness <- levels(factor(analysisSpms$uniqueness))
  # Use the `convert_toLogicals` function to generate new binary columns based
  # on the nominal values of the response column
  analysisSpms_binary <- analysisSpms %>% 
    select(index, uniqueness, sizeClass, status, state)
  for (i in seq_along(levels_uniqueness)) {
    analysisSpms_binary <- analysisSpms_binary %>% 
      convert_toLogicals(.$uniqueness, levels_uniqueness[i])

  # Return this new binary version of the dataset as our model data
  modelData <- analysisSpms_binary %>% 
  # Save `modelData` in the global environment
  assign(paste("modelData_", recordedVariables, sep = ""),
         modelData, envir = globalenv())
  # Include state as a random variable for all states, but not for
  # specific states
  if(grepl("all", recordedVariables)) {
    #Generate models for county-level uniqueness
    county_m1 <- glmer(data = modelData,
                       unique_county ~ sizeClass + (1|state),
                       family = binomial(link="logit"))
    county_m2 <- glmer(data = modelData,
                       unique_county ~ status + (1|state), 
                       family = binomial(link="logit"))
    county_mGLOBAL <- glmer(data = modelData,
                            unique_county ~ sizeClass + status+ (1|state), 
                            family = binomial(link="logit"))
    county_mNULL <- glmer(data = modelData,
                          unique_county ~ 1 + (1|state), 
                          family = binomial(link="logit"))
    # Generate models for locality-level uniqueness
    locality_m1 <- glmer(data = modelData,
                         unique_locality ~ sizeClass + (1|state),
                         family = binomial(link="logit"))
    locality_m2 <- glmer(data = modelData,
                         unique_locality ~ status + (1|state), 
                         family = binomial(link="logit"))
    locality_mGLOBAL <- glmer(data = modelData,
                              unique_locality ~ sizeClass + status + (1|state), 
                              family = binomial(link="logit"))
    locality_mNULL <- glmer(data = modelData,
                            unique_locality ~ 1 + (1|state), 
                            family = binomial(link="logit"))
    # Generate models for time-level uniqueness
    time_m1 <- glmer(data = modelData,
                     unique_time ~ sizeClass + (1|state),
                     family = binomial(link="logit"))
    time_m2 <- glmer(data = modelData,
                     unique_time ~ status + (1|state), 
                     family = binomial(link="logit"))
    time_mGLOBAL <- glmer(data = modelData,
                          unique_time ~ sizeClass + status + (1|state), 
                          family = binomial(link="logit"))
    time_mNULL <- glmer(data = modelData,
                        unique_time ~ 1 + (1|state), 
                        family = binomial(link="logit"))
  } else if(!grepl("all", recordedVariables)) {
    # Generate models for county-level uniqueness
    county_m1 <- glmer(data = modelData,
                       unique_county ~ sizeClass,
                       family = binomial(link="logit"))
    county_m2 <- glmer(data = modelData,
                       unique_county ~ status, 
                       family = binomial(link="logit"))
    county_mGLOBAL <- glmer(data = modelData,
                            unique_county ~ sizeClass + status, 
                            family = binomial(link="logit"))
    county_mNULL <- glmer(data = modelData,
                          unique_county ~ 1, 
                          family = binomial(link="logit"))
    # Generate models for locality-level uniqueness
    locality_m1 <- glmer(data = modelData,
                         unique_locality ~ sizeClass,
                         family = binomial(link="logit"))
    locality_m2 <- glmer(data = modelData,
                         unique_locality ~ status, 
                         family = binomial(link="logit"))
    locality_mGLOBAL <- glmer(data = modelData,
                              unique_locality ~ sizeClass + status, 
                              family = binomial(link="logit"))
    locality_mNULL <- glmer(data = modelData,
                            unique_locality ~ 1, 
                            family = binomial(link="logit"))
    # Generate models for time-level uniqueness
    time_m1 <- glmer(data = modelData,
                     unique_time ~ sizeClass,
                     family = binomial(link="logit"))
    time_m2 <- glmer(data = modelData,
                     unique_time ~ status, 
                     family = binomial(link="logit"))
    time_mGLOBAL <- glmer(data = modelData,
                          unique_time ~ sizeClass + status, 
                          family = binomial(link="logit"))
    time_mNULL <- glmer(data = modelData,
                        unique_time ~ 1, 
                        family = binomial(link="logit"))
  } else {
    print("ERROR: There is a problem with the state/s being passed into this
          function via the analysisSpms dataframe name.")
  # Pull results out of model objects so that we can compare more easily
  modelResults <- tribble(
    ~responseVariable, ~modelName, ~modelFormula, ~AIC,
    "unique_county", "m1", deparse(formula(county_m1)), AIC(county_m1),
    "unique_county", "m2", deparse(formula(county_m2)), AIC(county_m2),
    "unique_county", "mGLOBAL", deparse(formula(county_mGLOBAL)), AIC(county_mGLOBAL),
    "unique_county", "mNULL", deparse(formula(county_mNULL)), AIC(county_mNULL),
    "unique_locality", "m1", deparse(formula(locality_m1)), AIC(locality_m1),
    "unique_locality", "m2", deparse(formula(locality_m2)), AIC(locality_m2),
    "unique_locality", "mGLOBAL", deparse(formula(locality_mGLOBAL)), AIC(locality_mGLOBAL),
    "unique_locality", "mNULL", deparse(formula(locality_mNULL)),AIC(locality_mNULL),
    "unique_time", "m1", deparse(formula(time_m1)), AIC(time_m1),
    "unique_time", "m2", deparse(formula(time_m2)),AIC(time_m2),
    "unique_time", "mGLOBAL", deparse(formula(time_mGLOBAL)), AIC(time_mGLOBAL),
    "unique_time", "mNULL", deparse(formula(time_mNULL)), AIC(time_mNULL))
  # Rename global models for each uniqueness level to include
  # `recordedVariables` from function input and save to global environment
  # for testing fit
  assign(paste("county_mGLOBAL_", recordedVariables, sep = ""),
         county_mGLOBAL, envir = globalenv())
  assign(paste("locality_mGLOBAL_", recordedVariables, sep = ""),
         locality_mGLOBAL, envir = globalenv())
  assign(paste("time_mGLOBAL_", recordedVariables, sep = ""),
         time_mGLOBAL, envir = globalenv())
  # Calculate delta AIC and AIC weights for each uniqueness level 
  modelResults <- modelResults %>% 
    group_by(responseVariable) %>% 
    mutate(dAIC = round(AIC - min(AIC), 1)) %>% 
    mutate(AIC = round(AIC, 0)) %>% 
    mutate(weight = round(exp(- 0.5 * dAIC)/sum(exp(- 0.5 * dAIC)), 2))
  # Rename `modelResults` to include `recordedVariables` from function input
  assign(paste("modelResults_", recordedVariables, sep = ""),
         modelResults, envir = globalenv())
  # Output result to CSV file
  write_csv(modelResults, filename_results)
# Run function for default analysis variables

Our new reformatted modelData looks like this:

index unique_county unique_locality unique_time sizeClass status state
823 0 0 1 large introduced FL
1994 0 0 1 large introduced FL
902 0 0 1 large S2 FL
1205 0 0 1 large S2 FL
1962 0 0 1 large introduced FL
2088 0 0 1 large introduced FL

We will use modelData to generate our generalized linear mixed-effects models using the lme4::glmer function. Note that we are analyzing each of the three scales of uniqueness (county, locality, time) separately.

Each of these models is a complex object, for example, here is the summary of the global model for county-scale uniqueness (county_mGLOBAL) using our default variables (i.e. a size cutoff of 100000 specimens to differentiate between small and large herbaria, and including data from all states but no out-of-state herbaria):

## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
##   Approximation) [glmerMod]
##  Family: binomial  ( logit )
## Formula: unique_county ~ sizeClass + status + (1 | state)
##    Data: modelData
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##  10957.7  11003.7  -5472.8  10945.7    15785 
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -0.8749 -0.4242 -0.2774 -0.1645  8.5505 
## Random effects:
##  Groups Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  state  (Intercept) 0.9883   0.9941  
## Number of obs: 15791, groups:  state, 8
## Fixed effects:
##                Estimate Std. Error z value             Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)    -1.46498    0.34972  -4.189 0.000028012366874403 ***
## sizeClasssmall -0.61273    0.05742 -10.670 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
## statusnative   -0.45058    0.05565  -8.096 0.000000000000000566 ***
## statusS1       -0.38045    0.12823  -2.967              0.00301 ** 
## statusS2       -0.08012    0.08700  -0.921              0.35712    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr) szClss sttsnt sttsS1
## sizClsssmll -0.048                     
## statusnativ -0.081  0.114              
## statusS1    -0.034  0.020  0.196       
## statusS2    -0.048  0.016  0.293  0.136

We can summarize the relevant results from each model so that they are easier to compare:

responseVariable modelName modelFormula AIC dAIC weight
unique_county m1 unique_county ~ sizeClass + (1 | state) 11022 64.4 0
unique_county m2 unique_county ~ status + (1 | state) 11076 118.3 0
unique_county mGLOBAL unique_county ~ sizeClass + status + (1 | state) 10958 0.0 1
unique_county mNULL unique_county ~ 1 + (1 | state) 11123 165.5 0
unique_locality m1 unique_locality ~ sizeClass + (1 | state) 17422 90.0 0
unique_locality m2 unique_locality ~ status + (1 | state) 17365 32.7 0
unique_locality mGLOBAL unique_locality ~ sizeClass + status + (1 | state) 17332 0.0 1
unique_locality mNULL unique_locality ~ 1 + (1 | state) 17459 126.9 0
unique_time m1 unique_time ~ sizeClass + (1 | state) 20460 52.8 0
unique_time m2 unique_time ~ status + (1 | state) 20566 158.5 0
unique_time mGLOBAL unique_time ~ sizeClass + status + (1 | state) 20408 0.0 1
unique_time mNULL unique_time ~ 1 + (1 | state) 20616 208.8 0

Now that we’ve built our models we need to verify that they are appropriate for us to use. First, we should check the global models to make sure that none of our predictor variables are correlated. We can evaluate this by looking at the variance inflation factor for each uniqueness scale.

The low (<2.5) GVIF values above confirm that our predictor variables are not correlated in any of the models.

We will also look at the coefficient values for Cramer’s V to further confirm our model by determining that there are no substantive associations between predictor variables:

The above values are all either below 0.1 (indicating little to no association between variables) or below 0.3 (indicating that there is a low association at the most). These values meet our threshold.

Graph results

We can also visualize our models to help us interpret these results. In the figures below, we are comparing our observed (from the data) and predicted (from the model) probabilities that a specimen represents unique information at a given biogeographic scale.

# Set function
graph_analysisResults <- function(analysisSummary,
                                  time_mGLOBAL) {
  # Capture variables from the name of data object passed into function
  recordedVariables <- deparse(substitute(analysisSummary)) %>% 
    str_replace("analysisSummary_", "")

  # Calculate the standard deviation, standard error, and 95% confidence
  # intervals on each proportion of specimens from small vs. large herbaria,
  # grouped by uniqueness and status but with all states combined
  observedFigure <- analysisSummary %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    select(-frequency) %>% 
    mutate(uniqueness = toupper(str_replace(uniqueness, "_", " "))) %>% 
    group_by(uniqueness, status, sizeClass) %>% 
    summarize(groupSum = sum(count)) %>% 
    group_by(status, sizeClass) %>% 
    mutate(prop = round(groupSum/sum(groupSum), 2))
  # Add factors for ordering of `observedFigure` categories in graph below
  observedFigure$status2 <- factor(observedFigure$status, 
                                   levels = c("S1", 
  # Graph `observedFigure` for Panel A of final figure
  ggplot(observedFigure, aes(x = status2,
                             y = groupSum,
                             label = groupSum,
                             fill= sizeClass)) +
             position = position_dodge()) +
    scale_fill_manual(values=c("#003f5c", "#ffa600")) +
    scale_y_continuous() +
    facet_wrap(~ uniqueness) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)) +
    labs(color = "Size class",
         fill = "Herbarium size",
         x = "Species status",
         y = "Observed specimen records")
  # Save graph to PNG file
               recordedVariables, "_",
               sep = ""),
         width = 8,
         height = 4)
  # Graph `observedFigure` for Panel B of final figure
  ggplot(observedFigure, aes(x = status2,
                             y = prop,
                             label = prop,
                             fill= sizeClass)) +
             position = position_dodge()) +
    scale_fill_manual(values=c("#003f5c", "#ffa600")) +
    scale_y_continuous() +
    facet_wrap(~ uniqueness) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)) +
    labs(color = "Size class",
         fill = "Herbarium size",
         x = "Species status",
         y = "Probability observed in data")
  # Save graph to PNG file
               recordedVariables, "_",
               sep = ""),
         width = 8,
         height = 4)
  # Calculate estimated marginal means for global models; use "type = response"
  # to back transform our results from the logit link function we used when
  # creating the models
  predictedFigure_county <- summary(emmeans(county_mGLOBAL, 
                                            c("sizeClass", "status"), 
                                            type = "response")) %>% 
    mutate(uniqueness = "UNIQUE COUNTY")
  predictedFigure_locality <- summary(emmeans(locality_mGLOBAL, 
                                              c("sizeClass", "status"), 
                                              type = "response")) %>% 
    mutate(uniqueness = "UNIQUE LOCALITY")
  predictedFigure_time <- summary(emmeans(time_mGLOBAL, 
                                          c("sizeClass", "status"), 
                                          type = "response")) %>% 
    mutate(uniqueness = "UNIQUE TIME")
  # Combine the emmeans results from all three uniqueness levels into a single
  # data frame for graphing
  predictedFigure <- rbind(predictedFigure_county,
  # Add factors for ordering of `predictedFigure` categories in graph below
  predictedFigure$status2 <- factor(predictedFigure$status, 
                                   levels = c("S1", 
  # Graph `predictedFigure` for Panel C of final figure
  ggplot(predictedFigure, aes(x = status2,
                              y = prob, 
                              label = prob,
                              fill= sizeClass)) +
             position = position_dodge()) +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = prob - SE,
                      ymax = prob + SE),
                  color = "gray",
                  width = 0.2,
                  position = position_dodge(0.9)) +
    scale_fill_manual(values=c("#003f5c", "#ffa600")) +
    scale_y_continuous() +
    facet_wrap(~ uniqueness) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)) +
    labs(color = "Size class",
         fill = "Herbarium size",
         x = "Species status",
         y = "Probability predicted by model")
  # Save graph to PNG file
               recordedVariables, "_",
               sep = ""),
         width = 8,
         height = 4)
# Run function for default analysis variables

First, here is our observed count of specimen records:

We can represent the same data as a proportion of how likely a given specimen is to fall into each of our uniqueness scales:

And we can also graph the proportions that our models predict for how likely a given specimen is to fall into each of our uniqueness scales:

Re-run with a different size cutoff for small vs. large herbaria

Although we used a cutoff of 100,000 specimens to differentiate between small and large herbaria, emerging research suggests that a more appropriate cutoff might be <175,000 specimens based on the Jenks natural breaks classification method (Cahill, Thiers, and Monfils 2019). We can easily re-run our analyses to see if adjusting the cutoff affects our results…

# Run function `prepare_analysisSpms` with adjusted size cutoff
prepare_analysisSpms(input_specimens, input_herbaria, input_species, 
                                     sizeCutoff = 175000)

# Run function `model_analysisSpms` with adjusted size cutoff

# Run function `graph_analysisResults` with adjusted size cutoff

totalSpmsSummary_175000_all_FALSE is a summary of how many total specimens are held by the herbaria participating in this project:

sizeClass totalSpecimens percentSpecimens
large 11962200 79
small 3204533 21

duplicateSpmsSummary_175000_all_FALSE is a summary of how many specimens in the uniqueSpms dataset represent duplicates in the original data (i.e. the input_specimens):

duplicateType largeCount smallCount largePercent smallPercent
duplicated by large and small herbaria 283 153 2.87 2.36
duplicated only by large herbaria 1496 NA 15.15 NA
unduplicated 8094 5777 81.98 89.22
duplicated only by small herbaria NA 545 NA 8.42

analysisSummary_175000_all_FALSE is a summarized version of the analysisSpms data to use for analysis and graphing:

uniqueness state status sizeClass count frequency
unique_county AR introduced small 87 1.00
unique_county AR native small 155 1.00
unique_county AR S1 small 6 1.00
unique_county AR S2 small 23 1.00
unique_county CA introduced large 24 0.67
unique_county CA introduced small 12 0.33
unique_county CA native large 10 0.48
unique_county CA native small 11 0.52
unique_county CA S1 large 7 0.64
unique_county CA S1 small 4 0.36
unique_county CA S2 large 7 0.41
unique_county CA S2 small 10 0.59
unique_county CO introduced large 25 0.50
unique_county CO introduced small 25 0.50
unique_county CO native large 32 0.52
unique_county CO native small 30 0.48
unique_county CO S1 large 1 0.50
unique_county CO S1 small 1 0.50
unique_county CO S2 large 2 0.20
unique_county CO S2 small 8 0.80
unique_county FL introduced large 51 0.84
unique_county FL introduced small 10 0.16
unique_county FL native large 43 0.86
unique_county FL native small 7 0.14
unique_county FL S1 large 8 0.67
unique_county FL S1 small 4 0.33
unique_county FL S2 large 12 0.52
unique_county FL S2 small 11 0.48
unique_county GA introduced large 145 0.58
unique_county GA introduced small 105 0.42
unique_county GA native large 110 0.69
unique_county GA native small 50 0.31
unique_county GA S1 large 6 0.67
unique_county GA S1 small 3 0.33
unique_county GA S2 large 19 0.56
unique_county GA S2 small 15 0.44
unique_county MI introduced large 87 0.72
unique_county MI introduced small 33 0.28
unique_county MI native large 107 0.76
unique_county MI native small 33 0.24
unique_county MI S1 large 11 0.92
unique_county MI S1 small 1 0.08
unique_county MI S2 large 33 0.77
unique_county MI S2 small 10 0.23
unique_county TN introduced large 130 0.73
unique_county TN introduced small 47 0.27
unique_county TN native large 160 0.83
unique_county TN native small 33 0.17
unique_county TN S1 large 8 1.00
unique_county TN S2 large 18 0.78
unique_county TN S2 small 5 0.22
unique_county WV introduced large 176 0.99
unique_county WV introduced small 2 0.01
unique_county WV native large 67 0.97
unique_county WV native small 2 0.03
unique_county WV S1 large 18 0.95
unique_county WV S1 small 1 0.05
unique_county WV S2 large 38 0.88
unique_county WV S2 small 5 0.12
unique_locality AR introduced small 31 1.00
unique_locality AR native small 242 1.00
unique_locality AR S1 small 1 1.00
unique_locality AR S2 small 16 1.00
unique_locality CA introduced large 294 0.64
unique_locality CA introduced small 168 0.36
unique_locality CA native large 442 0.77
unique_locality CA native small 135 0.23
unique_locality CA S1 large 103 0.90
unique_locality CA S1 small 12 0.10
unique_locality CA S2 large 35 0.81
unique_locality CA S2 small 8 0.19
unique_locality CO introduced large 48 0.37
unique_locality CO introduced small 82 0.63
unique_locality CO native large 148 0.44
unique_locality CO native small 191 0.56
unique_locality CO S1 large 14 0.40
unique_locality CO S1 small 21 0.60
unique_locality CO S2 large 35 0.48
unique_locality CO S2 small 38 0.52
unique_locality FL introduced large 148 0.82
unique_locality FL introduced small 32 0.18
unique_locality FL native large 202 0.84
unique_locality FL native small 39 0.16
unique_locality FL S1 large 26 0.72
unique_locality FL S1 small 10 0.28
unique_locality FL S2 large 21 0.54
unique_locality FL S2 small 18 0.46
unique_locality GA introduced large 47 0.35
unique_locality GA introduced small 88 0.65
unique_locality GA native large 114 0.80
unique_locality GA native small 28 0.20
unique_locality GA S1 large 2 0.67
unique_locality GA S1 small 1 0.33
unique_locality GA S2 large 7 0.47
unique_locality GA S2 small 8 0.53
unique_locality MI introduced large 119 0.60
unique_locality MI introduced small 78 0.40
unique_locality MI native large 219 0.66
unique_locality MI native small 114 0.34
unique_locality MI S1 large 2 0.67
unique_locality MI S1 small 1 0.33
unique_locality MI S2 large 20 0.74
unique_locality MI S2 small 7 0.26
unique_locality TN introduced large 86 0.58
unique_locality TN introduced small 63 0.42
unique_locality TN native large 191 0.72
unique_locality TN native small 73 0.28
unique_locality TN S1 large 5 0.71
unique_locality TN S1 small 2 0.29
unique_locality TN S2 large 20 0.83
unique_locality TN S2 small 4 0.17
unique_locality WV introduced large 97 0.98
unique_locality WV introduced small 2 0.02
unique_locality WV native large 20 0.77
unique_locality WV native small 6 0.23
unique_locality WV S1 large 7 1.00
unique_locality WV S2 large 36 0.82
unique_locality WV S2 small 8 0.18
unique_time AR introduced small 59 1.00
unique_time AR native small 266 1.00
unique_time AR S1 small 4 1.00
unique_time AR S2 small 40 1.00
unique_time CA introduced large 425 0.64
unique_time CA introduced small 236 0.36
unique_time CA native large 609 0.79
unique_time CA native small 158 0.21
unique_time CA S1 large 168 0.79
unique_time CA S1 small 44 0.21
unique_time CA S2 large 133 0.76
unique_time CA S2 small 41 0.24
unique_time CO introduced large 82 0.30
unique_time CO introduced small 192 0.70
unique_time CO native large 192 0.32
unique_time CO native small 400 0.68
unique_time CO S1 large 27 0.36
unique_time CO S1 small 48 0.64
unique_time CO S2 large 43 0.35
unique_time CO S2 small 79 0.65
unique_time FL introduced large 345 0.67
unique_time FL introduced small 168 0.33
unique_time FL native large 344 0.74
unique_time FL native small 122 0.26
unique_time FL S1 large 105 0.60
unique_time FL S1 small 71 0.40
unique_time FL S2 large 174 0.74
unique_time FL S2 small 60 0.26
unique_time GA introduced large 124 0.34
unique_time GA introduced small 239 0.66
unique_time GA native large 151 0.65
unique_time GA native small 80 0.35
unique_time GA S1 large 9 0.64
unique_time GA S1 small 5 0.36
unique_time GA S2 large 18 0.82
unique_time GA S2 small 4 0.18
unique_time MI introduced large 408 0.61
unique_time MI introduced small 262 0.39
unique_time MI native large 872 0.68
unique_time MI native small 418 0.32
unique_time MI S1 large 41 0.71
unique_time MI S1 small 17 0.29
unique_time MI S2 large 99 0.80
unique_time MI S2 small 24 0.20
unique_time TN introduced large 254 0.42
unique_time TN introduced small 347 0.58
unique_time TN native large 505 0.59
unique_time TN native small 344 0.41
unique_time TN S1 large 42 0.40
unique_time TN S1 small 64 0.60
unique_time TN S2 large 65 0.52
unique_time TN S2 small 60 0.48
unique_time WV introduced large 214 0.74
unique_time WV introduced small 74 0.26
unique_time WV native large 71 0.65
unique_time WV native small 39 0.35
unique_time WV S1 large 35 0.92
unique_time WV S1 small 3 0.08
unique_time WV S2 large 80 0.71
unique_time WV S2 small 32 0.29

We can summarize the relevant results from each model so that they are easier to compare:

responseVariable modelName modelFormula AIC dAIC weight
unique_county m1 unique_county ~ sizeClass + (1 | state) 11022 67.9 0
unique_county m2 unique_county ~ status + (1 | state) 11088 133.9 0
unique_county mGLOBAL unique_county ~ sizeClass + status + (1 | state) 10955 0.0 1
unique_county mNULL unique_county ~ 1 + (1 | state) 11138 182.9 0
unique_locality m1 unique_locality ~ sizeClass + (1 | state) 17413 88.7 0
unique_locality m2 unique_locality ~ status + (1 | state) 17343 18.6 0
unique_locality mGLOBAL unique_locality ~ sizeClass + status + (1 | state) 17324 0.0 1
unique_locality mNULL unique_locality ~ 1 + (1 | state) 17435 110.5 0
unique_time m1 unique_time ~ sizeClass + (1 | state) 20453 51.9 0
unique_time m2 unique_time ~ status + (1 | state) 20534 132.6 0
unique_time mGLOBAL unique_time ~ sizeClass + status + (1 | state) 20402 0.0 1
unique_time mNULL unique_time ~ 1 + (1 | state) 20582 180.7 0

Now that we’ve built our models we need to verify that they are appropriate for us to use. First, we should check the global models to make sure that none of our predictor variables are correlated. We can evaluate this by looking at the variance inflation factor for each uniqueness scale.

The low (<2.5) GVIF values above confirm that our predictor variables are not correlated in any of the models.

We will also look at the coefficient values for Cramer’s V to further confirm our model by determining that there are no substantive associations between predictor variables:

The above values are all either below 0.1 (indicating little to no association between variables) or below 0.3 (indicating that there is a low association at the most). These values meet our threshold.

And finally, in the figures below, we are comparing our observed (from the data) and predicted (from the model) probabilities that a specimen represents unique information at a given biogeographic scale. First, here is our observed count of specimen records:

We can represent the same data as a proportion of how likely a given specimen is to fall into each of our uniqueness scales:

And we can also graph the proportions that our models predict for how likely a given specimen is to fall into each of our uniqueness scales: